Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar
Antony’s story

“I know not, gentlemen, what you intend,
Who else must be let blood, who else is rank:
If I myself, there is no hour so fit
As Caesar’s death’s hour; nor no instrument” (pg. 116, lines 151-154)
Caesar has just been killed and Antony, who loved him so, wishes that he could die with Caesar. But he is rejected which leads him to his plan, to have his revenge.
Antony loved Caesar and by his death, he is enraged. He wants Caesar to forgive him for being so gentle with the conspirators and to show Caesar that he is still loyal to him, he will take his revenge and knock out all the conspirators.

Once Caesar had been killed, Antony wanted his forgiveness. He was gentle and friendly to the conspirators and he feels like he betrayed Caesar. He knew he had to show that he was still loyal to Caesar.
“ O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers.”
This shows that Antony thinks the conspirators are butchers. When Brutus and the conspirators were talking about how to kill Caesar, they all agreed that they would not be butchers but sacrifices. But Antony thinks they killed him horribly. The conspirators stabbed him 20 and more times, and then bathed themselves in his blood. Antony of course would not like this, and you can tell he is planning something. It’s foreshadowing that something big will come. When Antony first sees’s Caesar’s dead body, he is consumed with emotions. But he keeps them in line so that he can forfil his plan. Which leads him to persuade Brutus to letting him talk to the people after Brutus has spoken.
“And am moreover suitor that I may
Produce his body to the market-place,
And in the pulpit, as becomes a friend,
Speak in the order of his funeral.”

This shows that Antony is going to do something big. He wants to talk to the people after Brutus so that he can change their minds, so that they turn against Brutus and the conspirators. He wants to take his revenge for Caesar’s death and he will, with the help from the people. Antony speaks to the people in a way so that they will understand him. And he repeats that Brutus is an honorable man so that the people will start to think for themselves. Which leads the people to joining Antony’s side and help him have his revenge.

Antony hates what the conspirators have done and since they wont kill him so that he can be with Caesar, he will take his revenge against them. Caesar’s death has made Antony enraged. Antony becomes very violent in what he says.
“Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!
This shows that he actually hates the conspirators. That he feels bad for what is going to come to them, because he will cause them pain and have his revenge. He is determined to take down every single one of the conspirators and he won’t stop until they are all gone. He is so angry he prophases that he will bring war upon them.
“ A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use,
And dreadful objects so familiar,
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quartered with the hands of war,
All pity chok’d with custom of fell deeds;
And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial”
Antony is so violent here. He speaks of the goddess of war coming from hell and destroying Italy, Mothers smiling when their children are torn apart, Blood and destruction everywhere and the dogs of war running amok. You know that he is foreshadowing the downfall of the conspirators. They thought that what they did was so great, but in the end it cost them all. They will get hunted down and killed, with Antony leading the people.

Antony loved Caesar so much that he wanted to die just to be with him. But Brutus didn’t have the heart to kill and innocent man who had done nothing to help Caesar be so ambitious. It was Caesar’s own arrogance that got him killed and Brutus didn’t think Antony should have to die for Caesar’s faults. So Antony made a plan. He was to be friendly with the conspirators so that the trusted him and let him speak to the people. He felt upset at himself for betraying Caesar and that is when he decided to show Caesar that he was going to be loyal to him, and take his revenge for Caesar. With this all on Antony’s mind, he became violent but very tactful when speaking to the people of Rome. While being tactful while talking to the people, he got them on his side and they fought against the conspirators, running them out of town. Antony in the end did win the battle. The conspirators slowly fell. From being killed by the people or just guilt. I think that Antony was right about Caesar being killed. Caesar could have changed and become a great king, but no one will ever know. The conspirators did kill Caesar brutally. It was noble of Antony to take his revenge because he showed that he was noble to Caesar. And as Antony prophesized, Rome was destroyed. But in the end after the war, Octavius, Caesar’s nephew, took over Rome and so the people were being ruled. It would have been either Caesar or his nephew. So maybe it wasn’t so worthy to start the war. To destroy Rome and peoples life’s, but it was worthy of Antony because it still showed Caesar that he loved him and was still loyal. Antony will always be loyal to Caesar.

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